daily babbles...

in need of money... :(

Friday, June 11, 2010

There's So Much More To Do...

In life, everyone has an aim, a goal, something they want to achieve before they leave this earth. I have a dream, a goal too. I want to be successful, who doesn't, and want to be able to live without the worries of money :)

I have been studying for the past week, something I don't usually do well in, but by His grace, i usually do fine in my exams. The only problem is, I don't wanna just do okay or fine in the upcoming papers, I wanna ace it. I'll try my hardest for sure, but my attention span is that of a peanut. Example 1, I was at my friend's, Jeen Pei's, house yesterday trying my best to study but the whole focus shifted once the Nintendo Wii was on. Great huh? Yea, from one game it turned into a whole hour of playing and only left me with about half an hour to study. See little distractions like this throws my attention of studying out the window. I hate my attention span.

But I am looking forward to the part after my exams :) I whole 2 months of class-free schedule and all I need to do is work :l Okay, so I won't be as to put it "bumming" around, cause I need my bank account balance to increase in digits, hopefully zeroes as well. Working at starbucks is fine and all, but working there too often makes you wanna slit your throat and stab your brains (I don't mean it literally). It's just that I get bored too easily working there. That's why I'm considering a second part-time job :) yea, still in the same F&B line but hopefully the 'new' job will be one that is less straining/tiring.

So yea, my 2 months from now have been settled and done with, not bad at all huh? :)

more to come :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sometimes It's Hard To Live In Reality.

Time has passed by so fast! Too fast if I must add. I find it quite unbelievable that we are almost halfway through with 2010. My classes for semester 1 has ended and it's been a whole lot of crazy going on with me. Stress, that was faced and done with (for now at least) and a new phase of my life will be coming right up. Yes, HOLIDAYS! :) haha, back to bumming and sleeping in and doing a whole lot of nothing... Maybe going around town and just chill... Yea, it does bring me back to my 2009... But one thing's for sure, I can't be too much of a bum. Need to work hard and earn some money. Too many things have been listed in my "want" list and it's not going to get longer. Need to cross them off my list (by which I mean buy/get them, not forgo them) :) I'm considering a second job for now. Starbucks been great but it isn't a whole lot fun working there all the time. Besides, I feel like I've lost the interest working there. Don't think I'll be leaving starbucks, not for now anyway. I recently got asked to work in this new cafe place over at Jaya One and I'm considering it, negotiating and hoping that it'll be a better job than my current. I might just work at both place, that way I get more pay. But that would suck in the long run.

Yea, reality bites. Sometimes things just don't work out the way you plan it to be. And maybe it's just a way for you to work even harder. It does, however, still annoys the hell out of you. I need to focus on the last leg of the race in my 1st semester. Final exams in 2 weeks, need to start hitting the books (or in my case, notes). Just so you know, studying and me is like a balloon facing a needle, it can hurt me bad. After my final paper on 21st of June, I'll probably start by working more hours. Yay, can't wait -_-

hard work, please pay off :)