daily babbles...

in need of money... :(

Monday, July 28, 2008


The many memories and friendships formed over the years.

I hope that the bonds we have and memories shared will last forever.

Keep looking :)

Gone Like The Wind.

22 July 2008. Another incredible day, it was the day I am officially graduating/retiring from being a prefect. It wasn't as happy a day as many may thing. It was hard for me to let go and give up my post. I guess I just got attached to it too close.

The Installation was great and I would have to say pretty fun. Overall, I was left with peace, relief, sadness and freedom. All these mixed emotions were felt and now looking back, I can truly say that after all that has happened, me being a prefect and finally leaving the board after 5 years, was truly a great experience and the memories I have will definitely be with me forever. As I always say, things happen for a reason. At least now I can focus on better things.

Keep looking :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Put A Smile On My Face.

I am a guy who likes entertainment. My main source of it has to be through watching the tv. So when I am watching a really good show, I never like the ads that come on. They are just plain annoying and disrupting. But there are some exceptional ads that I just can't help but smile. This post is for me to share with you the ads that I find hilarious. Enjoy :)

Keep looking:)

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Life is a funny thing. It is filled with great wonders and marvels. Yet it is also mysterious and risky. What is life? How did it begin? Charles Darwin believes that man is an evolution of life, that we are an evolution species of primates. On the other hand, there is creation. Although it is hard to believe that there is a god, it does explain a lot. For instance how did the universe come to be? The Big Bang theory honestly is hard to believe or explain.

It is hard to accept the fact that such beautiful creations are the cause of atoms or particles colliding with one another. Truly this has to be the work of God. His unfathomable, mysterious, incredibly amazing and indescribable work is truly miraculous. Marvels that are so beautiful and inspiring to mankind, He blessed us all with great creations. Truly then He must be real, right?
So this comes back to the question 'what is life?'. To me it is a journey one goes through to gain experiences. But for what? I am a Christian, therefore I believe in life after death. The experiences gained and deeds done when on earth will definitely count in the 'afterlife'. After knowing the great creations, it is clear to me that God is real and all powerful. He exists through His work, knowing He created these marvels are proof of His existence. So what are your thoughts on this matter? If you have the time, do check out 'Indescribable' or 'How Great is Our God' by Louie Giglio. It's a video on a really awesome discovery that will blow your mind.

Check out this video on the marvels of our universe with music by Chris Tomlin.

Chris Tomlin- Indescribable (music video)

Louie Giglio- How Great is Our God (part 1)

Keep looking :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Remembering The Past, Looking Towards The Future.

Looking back through the years of my days spent in high school, everything seems so pointless. The things I've done or gone through just to reach the top doesn't quite seem fulfilling anymore. Maybe back then being on top was important but now that it is all over, was it really worth it to have done all that I have, to have wasted those precious time and having sacrifice certain things? One thing is for sure, my gains are definitely more than my loss. The experiences I've learned and friendships formed are most definitely cherished. It will be hard to give up all my responsibilities, work and authority but I guess it is for the better. Besides, nothing can last forever.

Searching for one's self is a constant adventure. One can change as they grow older or when their life is changed by different events. Now that I have finished my term as a prefect, it is hard to actually find myself anywhere. Where does one go once they leave something they were all their life? I already struggle to fit in as it is, now there isn't anywhere that i can go back to. Who am i now that a part of me is gone? All I can hope for is that time will make things easier for me, but I'll definitely hold on to the good things of my past as well.

-Awaiting for better things to come-

Keep looking :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Music For The Soul.

Not many may think this but I think that music is a part of life that everyone enjoys. For me recently listened to really good tunes that changed my view and taste in music. For me music defies a persons interest and character and it is a good thing. I use to listen and love certain mainstream bands but lately that perception of a famous band changed. I now love what I'm listening to and mainly like alternative rock, pop and indie... I guess as you grow your taste in music changes along. Anyway, if you have the time, do drop by my myspace page and take a listen to some of the music I like. www.myspace.com/jaredow

Keep Looking :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

12th of July 2008.

Memories of '08 Prefect Hi-tea:

An unforgettable day filled with food, fun and friends.

I know I didn't write much, but a picture tells a thousand words :)

Keep looking.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A New Beginning.

Life as you all may know is always never quite the way it seems to be. For me, I overlook things and exaggerate a lot. These are the journeys of my life. Everything I do and feel will be recorded here.

I don't know what exactly life is about but what I know is that you can never know something until you have lived through it. Therefore, I will keep posting on my life once I've lived through it.

Keep looking :)