daily babbles...

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Daring To Move

It is my exam week now. Trials to be exact. I have never in my life enjoyed the exhilarating thrill of the stress caused by the exams. It's not much that I feel dumb or something, it's just that procrastinating spirit, I-don't-give-a-damn attitude and a bit of laziness in me that just makes studying such a burden. I honestly don't think I'm stupid or retarded, alright maybe a little, but my real weakness will be striving and working hard. So as I'm posting this, I am indeed wasting my study time. Now, lately things has gotten a whole lot confusing in my life. Burdens after burdens are being stressed upon me, responsibilities that are given that I honestly don't even bother with are just thrown at me. Do I look like I want to be burdened? Well maybe it's the fact that I look like the kind of person you can take advantage of, but to be frank I am. I have the 'humbling' character apparently, a whole load of bs if you ask me. Honestly I don't like doing things I am forced to do, I don't know why but if someone expects me to do something, I will definitely complain. I have recently realized that life is indeed too short to live in agony and regrets. I guess I'm having one of those life changing moments. Like I've mentioned many times, I do not hate my life. It's just that I want something more than just the one I have now. I want to live a life I am proud of, a life that is free and happy. No more suffering to do things i don't want to or be expected to do something, no more mundane scheduled life and definitely no more responsibilities. I am of course not talking about disowning your life or studies, but more towards the extras that are supposedly 'benefiting to your future' or 'character building'. Like i said, life is too short.

Keep looking :)

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