Nobody is perfect. That's what they all say, but is it true? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with flaws, everyone else just look happy and pretty and like their life is at its best. Why can't I be them, or like them? Why am I stuck with the flaws and demons that I have. If I had one wish, it'll be to change my life. Don't get me wrong, my life ain't all bad, just the bad side of it is probably one of the worst. I guess everyone has a bad side of themselves, it's how one covers it on the outside, I do that often and have been really good at hiding true emotions. So, can one hide their real feelings and bury them till it really gets out of their life? Or will it come back to haunt you? I need to face some problems, some personal demons. It's hard to face something you are so afraid of and weak against. I really want it gone, I just want to live a normal life without going to bed at night confused and crying myself to sleep or feel so vulnerable around people. Now, is everyone still imperfect?
Keep looking :)
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